Sunday, March 27, 2011

Savory Oatmeal with Soft-Cooked Egg and Cheddar

I have so many, many things to say about this recipe.

First, I think oatmeal is one of the more under-appreciated things in life.  Somehow it has gotten a bad rap over the a matter of fact, the teenager said to me just this morning, "Mom, you and Dad are the only people in the world that actually LIKE oatmeal."  I don't think this is completely true, but I also think the world doesn't fully understand and appreciate the wonder that is oatmeal.

First of all, it is actually good for you.  Unlike some of my other favorite food groups, oatmeal is full of fiber and not full of other less-good stuff, so there's that.  But I think that folks have gotten stuck in the usual ordinary ways of making oatmeal, which is basically boiling it up in some water, or milk if they go really crazy.  Maybe tossing some brown sugar on top.  But people!  There is so much more to be done!  And one of my favorite, favorite approaches to oatmeal is the savory approach - going cheesy and a little salty instead of sweet and sugary.  (Yes, I know, I am messing a little bit with the whole healthy part, but really, it's just a little bit.  There's no butter or cream or even bacon involved, I promise.)

So here's the drill.  Cook up the oatmeal the way you usually do, but at the end, toss in a handful of shredded cheddar cheese and stir it up.  Taste it to see if it needs a little more salt - it might not with the cheese going on.  Now sprinkle a little more cheese on top and then (brace yourself for happiness) place a soft-cooked egg on top.  Poached, soft-boiled,'s your choice, just so long as the yolk is still nice and creamy.  Because now you are going to break the egg up just a little so the yolk melts into your cheesy oatmeal.  Scatter a few scallions on top, and then a grinding of fresh pepper.  

You'll never look at your box of Quaker Oats the same way again now, will you?  We usually have this for a light supper, but it would, of course, be an AMAZING breakfast as well.

Go give your oatmeal some love and respect now, okay?

Savory Oatmeal with  Soft-Cooked Egg and Cheddar, adapted from Everyday Food

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • Coarse salt and fresh ground pepper
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup shredded sharp Cheddar
  • 1 tablespoon sliced scallions

1. Bring 1 cup water to boil in small saucepan.  Add oats and pinch of salt and simmer until tender, about 5 minutes.  Add 1/4 cup cheddar and stir.

2. Meanwhile, soft-cook the egg in whatever way you like best.  Soft-boiled, poached or over easy will all work, so long as the egg yolk is still a little liquid and creamy.

3. Ladle oatmeal into bowl.  Sprinkle with remaining cheddar and top with cooked egg.  Scatter scallions on top and eat at once.


  1. I grew up eating shredded cheddar cheese in oatmeal. My dad introduced me to this. When I tell friends about adding cheddar cheese to oatmeal they can't visualize it.

  2. I eat oatmeal every morning! The sugary variety though. What can I say, I'm a traditionalist. But I would love to have this for dinner! Personally, I think that the egg and cheese make this super healthy....added sources of protein!

  3. AND oatmeal increases a nursing momma's milk supply! Lol---tmi, perhaps! I'll have to give this a try! Thanks

  4. Tell the teenager...NOT true! I LOVE oatmeal! {Of course I love boiled and seasoned pig ears too, so....LOL} Oatmeal and peaches, honey, and walnuts with cinnamon is one of my favorite things to eat! And oatmeal drops in my peach cobbler....oatmeal and sauteed apples....Okay, I'll stop now! ^_^ I have to go and put some cheese in my oatmeal....without the egg! {sorry....YUCK!}

  5. This is amazing. I just recently gotten back to eating oatmeal again after I finally called my Dad up for the recipe. I know, a RECIPE for oatmeal?! Sounds ridiculous yes, but it's true. Ever since I went off for college, I bought packaged oatmeal and for some reason, never got it to tasting as good as how my Dad made them when I followed the instructions on the packaging. Turns out he cooks the oats for longer than what the instructions on the packaging are calling out for (exactly 5 minutes). Adds the milk right after since oatmeal gets cold really quickly and tops it off with a teaspoon or so of sugar. It's a classic. Just the way I grew up eating it!

    So, I'm happy to say that I am happy to hear about another way to eat it. I'm definitely going to try this. :)

    Patricia Ann

  6. great idea - never thought of cheese and egg! i love oatmeal - have it at least 3-4 days a week, but what I do is spoon a heap of homemade jam into it - I rarely eat toast but love to make jam, so it usually goes into the oatmeal and man it's tasty. This week I'm in peach marmalade mode...

  7. One must admit that bacon would not be a bad idea here...just sayin'...Seriously though, I've never had savory oatmeal. Sounds dee-lish! We'll have to give it a go! Kari

  8. Never thought of oatmeal as savory. That's a whole new world. I eat oatmeal a lot, with grated apple, blueberries, honey and walnuts. No milk or sugar.

  9. I did this recently with cooked bulgar and a poached egg. It was seriously delicious!

  10. I have long considered savory oatmeal, but it seemed too bizarre for my tastes. Until now. This looks delicious. I know what I'll be having for breakfast tomorrow morning.


  11. I've never done savory oatmeal, but it's not too late to try! I think bacon wouldn't be a bad choice, like some other commenters mentioned :)

  12. It's funny oatmeal and eggs are two breakfast classics, yet I've never thought of combining them on the same plate.... Great idea! Love your blog and love your photos. Will be following you from now on ;-)

  13. Awesome idea. I'm thinking a sprinkle of bacon would make this perfect for me...

  14. had this for dinner last night - ridiculously delicious! the husband was skeptical but totally dug it. thank you!

  15. That looks amazing! I never think to eat my oatmeal I know I should!

  16. This is one of my favourite combinations, although my roommates tend to look at me as if I've got three heads!
